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Posts Tagged ‘solar water

Plant respiration= evaporation cooling

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Plant respiration = evaporation cooling.

Evaporation cooling = moist southern air moving north.


Water flows down hill… in ancient river beds under the sand.

Nut shell


Big Water and Grass

Big Picture

Data from the Soil Conservation Research project at McCredie during the summer drought of 1953 showed the corn crop exhausting the soil moisture to a depth of 3.5 feet under the fertilized soils. The equivalent of only 1.04 inches of water was left in that entire depth. Where the soil was not fertilized, the crop dried out the soil to a lesser depth. It left the equivalent of 4.5 inches of water in the upper 3.5 feet.
On the unfertilized corn, which took 14 inches of water from the soil, the yield was only 18 bushels per acre. It required 26,000 gallons of water to make a bushel of corn. On the fertilized soil with a
yield of 79 bushels, only 5,600 gallons of water per bushel were required.

The drought was a case of plant hunger rather than thirst.

Or simply, 4 times the crop yeild with one fifth the amount of water on fertile soil.

Biosolids and grass seed: more crop less water.

Small scale local clean water

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DIY. Solar, potable water condenser anyone can make to:
Convert salt water to fresh.
Polluted water to clean

On any scale: